We offer convenient and secure payment methods to make your shopping experience with AzFa hassle-free. Currently, we accept the following payment methods:

  1. Credit Card (Stripe):

    • We accept major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
    • Transactions through our Credit Card payment system are processed securely via Stripe, ensuring the protection of your sensitive information.
  2. PayPal:

    • AzFa also accepts payments through PayPal, a trusted and widely used online payment platform.
    • You can use your PayPal account or choose to pay with your credit card through PayPal for added flexibility.

Payment Security: Rest assured that your payment information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and security. Our payment processing partners, Stripe and PayPal, employ industry-standard security measures to protect your data during transactions. Your credit card details are encrypted and securely transmitted to ensure a safe and secure payment process.

Billing Information: Please ensure that your billing information entered at checkout matches the information associated with your credit card or PayPal account. Any discrepancies may result in payment processing issues.

Payment Confirmation: Once your payment is successfully processed, you will receive a confirmation email with details of your order and payment. If you encounter any issues or have questions about the payment process, please contact our Customer Support team at support@azfa.co for assistance.

Note: AzFa does not store or have access to your complete credit card details. All payment information is handled directly by our trusted payment processing partners, Stripe and PayPal, to ensure the highest level of security.

For any inquiries regarding payments or to seek assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@azfa.co. We appreciate your trust in AzFa and strive to provide you with a secure and enjoyable shopping experience.